Saturday, November 01, 2008

Tales of the Abyss Episode 04

With her ability, Tear is able to heal her wound and Luke becomes relieved. Now Luke, Tear, Jade, Ion, Guy, and Mieu go to Malkuth-Kimlasca Border to meet Anise who is waiting for them there. At the border they also meet Luke's sword instructor named Van who is Tear's older brother as well, although Tear seems to hate him.
Before they go to Kimlasca, Tear asks Van why his subordinates, the Six God Generals, interfered with Ion's effort to prevent war. Van tells them that it's true that Six God Generals are his subordinates, but they are under orders from Grand Maestro Mohs who is looking for war. Tear doesn't believe it, because Mohs that Tear knows is a man who truly wishes for peace and she got an order to find the Seventh Fonstone from him.
Luke becomes more confused with their talks and asks them what the Seventh Fonstone is. Then Tear explains that the Seventh Fonstone is the part of Score which is able to show the future and it's also the reason why Malkuth and Kimlasca have war.
After they finished their preparations, Luke and his friends pass the border, but suddenly a big ruckus happens at the Kimlasca Port. Arietta the Wild of the Six God Generals attacks the port and kidnaps a chief engineer. Luke and the others decide to save the engineer and go to Choral Castle. Before they enter the castle, Guy explains that Choral Castle was Duke Fabre's abandoned villa and the place where Luke who got kidnapped was found 7 years ago.




p.s. Anise and Arietta are "kawaii~~" =3

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